Abstract Review process completed
In response to feedback from past attendees, the CHEP 2012
program reflects a directed effort to reduce the overall number
of parallel presentations. At the same time, we have received an
unprecedented number (578) of abstract submissions. This record
response is indicative of the dynamism and enthusiasm present
within our field at this time. Thus, we would like to emphasize
the added importance of the poster sessions at next year's
conference, where CHEP's role as a "marketplace of ideas" is
most evident. A dedicated setting is being provided in the
extraordinary Rosenthal Pavilion for this purpose, where we
expect hundreds of attendees interacting with the presenters.
We will also be announcing further new initiatives for the
poster program in the near-future. Please note that all posters
presented at the conference by a registered attendee will
receive publication in the official conference proceedings.
The organizing committee would like to highlight the following
- Each parallel session presentation will be 25 minutes long.
- Final draft of all papers (including approval by respective
collaborations) must be submitted by early July 2012, which
will allow the electronic publication of the proceedings by
September 2012. We encourage authors to write their papers
well in advance of conference dates to allow enough time for
peer review and collaboration approval.
- Poster presenters with special requirements (demo,
additional space, etc) must contact [email protected] to
make arrangements. Because of space constraints and limited
physical resources, not all requests will be honored.
Requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served
basis. Alternatively, the local organizers have made
provisions for dedicated exhibition space (see
Registration Page). If interested,
please contact us at [email protected].
- A preliminary program timetable, showing the general
scheduling of sessions is now available.
Further announcements will be made when assignment of timeslots
for oral and poster presentations is completed.
Ofer Rind & Tony Wong
(on behalf of local organizing committee)